Closing meditation
This closing text can be shared at the end of the game, after everyone has been given the opportunity to share a reflection on the experience.
Dear Sisters, our time together has come to an end. As we return to our daily lives, may our experiences – like seeds – continue to grow and blossom.
Let us continue to celebrate our wholeness, our womanhood and our beloved community.
Let us feel embodied and deeply connected with the world. Let us be true to ourselves and gentle to each other.
Let us find the courage to be truly free and to believe in the power of our dreams.
Let us remember the magic of our sisterhood.
And let our lives be a blessing so that we may live up to the hopes of those who came before us.
May we pave the way for those who will follow in our footsteps.
As we leave this circle, let us remember that we belong to each other and let us trust that we are ready to go out into the world and show our true selves.